Watermark still showing

Trying to remove the watermark on free version to test. I have the license key and get the right message:

PDFJS.express: Development environment detected. This license key is currently registered to xxx

But I still get the watermark. I have seen that one cause could be having the plus modules rather that free. I have checked and re-downloaded. How can I check what version I am running?

I do have this message if it helps:

{UI version: “8.2.0”, Core version: “8.2.0”, Build: “MS8xMy8yMDIyfDdhNmQwYmFhNQ==”, WebViewer Server: false, Full API: false}

Hey there,

There is no way to remove the watermark on localhost - this is expected.

The message you are seeing “This license key is currently registered to xxx” means that everything is working ok and you can be sure your key will work in production.


thanks… how do the keys work in production, for example if i have the key doman as a.com, will it work on test.a.com? or do i need a seperate key?

No you do not need a separate key. A key registered to a.com will cover all subdomains.
