I understand EOL for PDF.js Express will be this year. What exact date will the license server be turned off and PDF-js Express stop working?
I understand EOL for PDF.js Express will be this year. What exact date will the license server be turned off and PDF-js Express stop working?
Hi kpiazza,
Thank you for reaching out.
Currently we have no plans to shut down the PDFJS Express Server and no EOL date is set.
That is great to know. One of the Apryse Account Execs said it was going away this year and trying to get us to convert to WebViewer. We spent a lot of time and money looking for and testing alternatives. I will have a serious conversation with him and his boss. Thanks!
Hello kpiazza,
Apologies for the miscommunication here, PDFJS Express is deprioritized for development but we have no plans on EOL for the server at the moment. Since our development team is deprioritizing fixes, features, etc for this we do recommend checking out WebViewer.